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Mech’n’rats by VultureMadAtTheOx

By VultureMadAtTheOx · RegularEdit deck

  • 1 mana1
    Green PrototypesGreen Prototypes3
  • 2 mana2
  • 2 mana2
    Gifted RecruitsGifted Recruits3
  • 2 mana2
    Lawless HerdLawless Herd3
  • 2 mana2
    Ozone PurifiersOzone Purifiers3
  • 3 mana3
    Greengale SerpentsGreengale Serpents3
  • 3 mana3
    Linked GolemsLinked Golems3
  • 3 mana3
    Westwind SailorsWestwind Sailors3
  • 4 mana4
    Boosting ElixirBoosting Elixir3
  • 4 mana4
    Finite LoopersFinite Loopers3
  • 4 mana4
  • 5 mana5
    Chaotic PupilChaotic Pupil3

This deck (level ~3.00) is made of 12 cards: 11 units, 0 structure, and 1 spell. It contains 6 different races.

Its average speed is 0.92 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 2.92. 8 cards can be played as the first player (6 of them moving the front line), 10 as the second player (8 of them moving the front line).

  • Chances to spend all mana
  • Chances to play all cards
How to read this graph?

Lack of AoE: It doesn’t look like this deck includes any way to deal damage to multiple units at once. Consider bringing a card or card combo which can clean several units.