Winter Pact

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Story by HylandMoon

Ancestral Title

Ever since Olf was a little boy, he had a passion for combat. War was embedded into his family’s history starting with his great grandfather who start…

Story by Pepegak


Do you know where the power of Earthfathers comes from? Maybe it is taken from the air, maybe they restore their strength with the Potion of Growth, a…

Story by Zyries

Hoarfrost Heart

“Are you sure about this?” I responded, “Yes, I’m sure. I promise. I love you.” I never got a response. We met in the Commons. She wasn’t…

Story by Minethetekit

Lady Rime

She was so excited. The Winter Pact finally saw her to be strong enough to fight with the rest of her kingdom in the frontlines! Her parents were worr…

Story by Dracqi


It must be preserved. Tegor’s legacy will not be forgotten, not while I still breath the same air and walk the same ground as him. The air and soil of…

Story by Zyries


Do you understand? Yes, I understand. 26 days. 26 days until the attack. I knew I could trust her as much as the others. That Ironclad skirmish a…

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