Weekly Card Contest
By TaKo_G · OngoingCard builder
The following is a collection of all of the information to participate and/or vote in the weekly card competitions. Would you have any questions or want to be a judge, feel free to message @TaKo_G#0373 on the Stormbound Discord.
Breaking any of the rules from this page will result in your current submission being deemed invalid. If you change your submission by revisiting the form, it will once again be considered valid provided it doesn’t break any other rule.
The ability must be different from the previous one (or the art changed if the original was revealed without revealing the ability) in order to be considered valid.
Creating your card
It is highly recommended that you use the card builder to create your cards, as it closely resembles what your card would look like in the game. It also allows you to copy and paste a link to the card which is required to submit it for the competition.
When doing so, please use the “Share card” button. Make sure to select “Link only” in the “What to copy” field so it does not include the card stats as only the link is needed for the submission.
If you do not use the card builder to create your submission, you can upload your image to a hosting website such as imgur and share that link instead.
Submitting your card
Submissions should be in the form of a link to the card builder or to an image of your card on a hosting service such as imgur. The form will not allow submissions of other types because they do not always work. If you are submitting from your phone: do not copy and paste a link from your pictures folder/album, it will not load and you will be disqualified unless you update your submission.
You are only allowed one submission per week. However, you can edit your submission as many times as you like before the cutoff time. If you want to update the text, art or stats, you only need to reopen the form and it should allow you to edit your submission there. Alternatively, you can send a link to your updated card and send it to me on Discord (@TaKo_G#0373).
Submissions can be made as soon as the week’s theme is announced (every Sunday) until Friday at 11:59pm (23:59) CDT. Please note that the cutoff time may not be midnight in your timezone, so it’s always suggested to make your submission early. I will send a reminder when you have 24 hours and 12 hours left to submit. The following day, the judges will decide on the top 3 cards of the week.
Community voting
After the top cards of the week are decided, a community vote will open up to decide the ultimate winner. Community voting will begin on Sunday when the next week’s theme is announced and last for 24 hours. The winner will be announced on Monday.
Rewards will be given out to the winners each week (on Monday or soon after) as follows:
- The community-voted ultimate winner will be awarded
50 rubies.
- The runners-up as selected by the judges will be awarded
25 rubies.
Becoming a judge
If you want to be a judge, just message me on Discord (@TaKo_G#0373). You’ll be expected to judge several cards at the end of the week. If we are full of judges, I can add you to a queue and you can judge in the following week.
- Card submissions must be made by Friday 11:59 pm (23:59) CDT.
- Card submissions must adhere to the weekly theme. Cards that do not follow the theme will not be considered for voting, no matter how cool they may be.
- Mixing unit types from different factions is allowed. A Swarm frostling or an Ironclad raven are totally acceptable.
- Card art does not need to be present for submissions, and does not need to be original artwork. You are allowed to use any image as long as it is appropriate. You know exactly what appropriate means.
- Only 1 card may be submitted per person, unless otherwise specified by the weekly rules/theme. Submissions can be edited before the deadline by revisiting the form.
- A secondary card may be submitted alongside the first but it must be a token card created by the primary card, the same way Qordia’s nests are not collectible cards.
- Judges are not allowed to compete in the competition and should refrain from helping the contestants with their cards.
- Cards do not need all of their values filled. If you do not know what value would best suit the card, a variable (like ∆) is always fine.
- Cards should not be shown to people other than judges until after the voting is over. This is to remove bias during the community voting round. If you made a custom artwork, please do not share that either.
Hall of Fame
Season 3 entries
Week #1 – Dual Purpose
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: When played with no enemies on its row, gain 2 speed and move fixedly forward, else when an enemy is on its row, confuse all enemy units on its row
Season 2 entries
Week #40 – Finale
Card by Grimm
Ability: Destroy a friendly unit with 3 or less strenght. Add it's strenght and speed to all units in your deck and hand
Week #39 – Movement
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: Energize a target friendly unit with 3 or less strength to move again
Week #38 – Quest
Card by Grimm
Ability: Always starts in your hand. Mark two random tiles in each row. Visit them all to transform this into 3 unburied treasures
Week #37 – Cheap Cheap
Card by Dewalian
Ability: If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 2 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.
Week #36 – Passives
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: While this is alive, gain 1 strength for each card you draw
Week #35 – Mythological
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: Turn a target unit with 4 or less strength into a gold. Gold units become friendly structures
Week #34 – Sacrifice Swarm
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: On play, destroy 2 surrounding friendly units, and next they are drawn, set their cost to 0
Week #33 – Army
Card by Equinox
Ability: On play, fly to the first open tile. If combined with a friendly unit, fly it to the first open tile and deal 2 damage to it
Week #32 – Flight
Card by Equinox
Ability: After attacking, fly off the board until the beginning of your next turn. When returning, select a tile to return to and destroy anything occupying the tile
Week #31 – Deck restrictions
Card by Giraudy
Ability: Give 3 strength to all units with no other units of the same unit type and deal 3 damage to all other units
Week #30 – Cloaked
Card by sqiri
Ability: On play, cloak all bordering units and structures that are not bordering any base
Week #29 – Neutral Race Elders
Card by Sewerrat
Ability: After surviving damage, replace a random non‑Pirate card from your hand. If it's a Pirate card play it on a tile in its row.
Week #28 – Curse
Card by sqiri
Ability: On play, curse all bordering units. Before attacking a friendly unit, gives it 2 strenght
Week #27 – Faction Felines II
Card by Giraudy
Ability: If the only bordering friendly unit type is construct, gain 2 strength, if it is rodent gain 2 speed
Week #26 – Programming Nightmare
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: On play, increase the level of all cards in your hand to level 2
Week #25 – Faction Knights
Card by Mirceaboss
Ability: Before moving pull the first enemy unit in front.
Week #24 – Ancient Structures
Card by RandomlyDrawnCard
Ability: At the start of your turn, all friendlies that deal below 3 damage with abilities deal 2 extra damage
Week #23 – Apprentice
Card by Equinox
Ability: On play, add a 6 mana copy of the last spell played to your hand
Week #22 – Missing Piece
Card by Athena
Ability: On play, if your base has 5 health or less, deal 1 damage to all enemy units bordering your base.
Week #21 – Vitality
Card by Lyt
Ability: When played bordering a vitalized friendly unit, vitalize itself and all bordering friendly units.
Week #18 – Power Creep
Card by DukeOfJuke
Ability: When played bordering a friendly dragon, deal 3 damage to enemy units, starting with the strongest.
Week #17 – End of Turn
Card by Lyt
Ability: At the end of its first turn on board, gains 1 strength for each other friendly unit on board
Week #13 – Echo Echo
Card by MooreFunn
Ability: On play, if there is a bordering friendly structure, return this card to your hand
Week #12 – Cross-Faction
Card by Athena
Ability: On play, push a random bordering unit away. After that, randomly poison, freeze or deal 1 damage to all surrounding enemies from the pushed unit
Week #11 – Overkill
Card by MooreFunn
Ability: On play, deal 4 damage to the weakest enemy. Deal all extra to the enemy's strongest unit
Week #10 – Spell Focus
Card by MooreFunn
Ability: On play, randomly cast a spell from your deck that costs 4 or less
Week #9 – Environmental & board effects
Card by Jerahus
Ability: Board effect At start of each turn, deal 1 damage to already poisonned units and poison units with 2 strength or less
Week #8 – Art Match
Card by Alialux
Ability: whenever a surrounding unit dies, deal 1 damage to a random enemy
Week #6 – Anti-neutral
Card by Ajmm
Ability: On play, deal 3 damage to a random enemy unit or structure for each faction cards in hand
Week #5 – C-C-Combo
Card by Blastoise
Ability: Give 2 strength to a random ally for each 4 strength your base has, then give 2 strength to your base.
Week #4 – Faction Felines
Card by Ajmm
Ability: On play, destroy all bordering friendly units, then gain speed for each destroyed
Week #3 – Aggressive Structures
Card by Player_Null_Name
Ability: At the start of your turn, give all surrounding units 1 speed
Week #2 – RNG
Card by JotaDiez
Ability: On death, do a random effect 3 times: give 2 strength to a random ally, confuse a random enemy or deal 3 damage to a confused enemy.
Week #1 – Hunt
Card by FrozenEarth
Ability: Hunt a unit with 5 strength or less. It will be prioritized by attacking units. Draw 1 card.
Season 1 entries
Week #25 – Resourceful
Card by 22cires
Ability: At the start of your turn, destroy everything bordering your base with 7 or less strength
Week #24 – Wipeout
Card by OscarTodam
Ability: Force all units to attack a random bordering unit, give 2 strength to all units who survived damage.
Week #23 – Ironclad
Card by Todam
Ability: When played with no stronger enemy on the tile in front, erase the tile, move all tiles after it 1 tile towards this.
Week #22 – Theme Throwback II
Card by LemonJamulus
Ability: Spawn a 3 strength knight on the tile in front of each friendly structure.
Week #21 – Structure Focus
Card by Sarabanda
Ability: On play, create a 2 Mana cost Spell to your hand with this effect: "Give 2 strength to all friendly units".
Week #20 – Ambassador
Card by Lord Dracqi
Ability: On attack, pull units to this, for every bordering unit, draw 1 pirate.
Week #19 – Special Condition
Card by Zemeu
Ability: Spawn a 1 strength Pirate token bordering each friendly Pirate. For each Pirate in your hand, those tokens get +1 strength
Week #18 – A Hero’s Tool
Card by OscarTodam
Ability: Freeze all enemy units in the target unit's column, deal 2 damage to all units with 6 or more strength.
Week #17 – Love/Hate
Card by MooreFunn
Ability: Before attacking a unit, remove its on death or on attack abilities
Week #16 – Speed
Card by l3l
Ability: On play, discard 1 pirate card from your hand and lose 1 speed for every other card on the your hand.
Week #15 – Speciality
Card by l3l
Ability: Before attacking a weaker unit,push it away and Do damage of the amount of tiles moved to the it and all surrounding enemies.
Week #14 – Finishing Blow
Card by StompyTom
Ability: On play, remove this card from your deck and insert it into your opponent's.
Week #13 – Knights vs Pirates
Card by Blastoise
Ability: Before attacking an enemy, deal 2 damage to all enemy units behind it
Week #12 – Felines
Card by FrozenEarth
Ability: Before attacking a unit, force all enemy units bordering it to attack it.
Week #11 – Death and Decay
Card by Zyries
Ability: On play, build a 3 strength Tombstone bordering every friendly unit with an "On Death" effect which spawn 3 strength Undeads
Week #10 – Theme Throwback
Card by Zethes
Ability: After attacking, convert this unit to the enemy side.
Week #7 – Crossover
Card by Blastoise
Ability: On play, spawn 3 Bombs on random surrounding tiles wich will explode dealing 3 damage to all bordering enemies at the start of your turn
Week #6 – Tit for Tat
Card by JotaDiez
Ability: On play, convert your weakest friendly unit to fight for the enemy
Week #5 – Yourself
Card by JotaDiez
Ability: Before attacking a unit with 1 or less strength, convert it to fight for you
Week #4 – Shadowfen
Card by Alphanaut
Ability: On play, poison all units on the board. If they are already poisoned, drain 2 strength from them
Week #2 – Card Control
Card by JotaDiez
Ability: On play, add to your hand 1 random card from your opponent's Deck, then destroy this card
Week #1 – Strength in Numbers
Card by MooreFunn
Ability: Before attacking a unit, summon 5 poisoned toads with 1 strength surrounding that unit