Books Calculator

What is this

This is a calculator to estimate the odds of getting fusion stones or a specific card when opening a certain book, as well as the average amount of coins based on your collection. Huge thanks to Neicigam (Neicigam#0095 on Discord) for helping with the math and the logic making this simulator possible. Learn more about how it works.

+ Advanced mode

Define how many different cards of any rarity you are looking for to know the odds of finding at least some of them when opening a Mythic Tome.

For instance, if you’re looking for a copy of Summon Militia, a copy of Ozone Purifiers and a copy of Collector Mirz, set 2 for “Common cards” and 1 for “Legendary cards”.


A Mythic Tome contains 6 cards and potentially some Fusion stones. It cannot yield more than a single copy of a single card.

The chances to draw are as follow:

  • 0% chance of pulling a common card
  • 0% chance of pulling a rare card
  • 70% chance of pulling a epic card
  • 30% chance of pulling a legendary card

Opening a Mythic Tome would yield:

  • 16.25% chances to draw fusion stones
  • An average of fusion stone 6.08 fusion stones
  • Potentially some coins depending on your collection

Book costs

Book nameBook cost
ruby 80 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 20 rubies
coin 100 coins
1 ad
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 90 rubies
ruby 40 rubies
ruby 50 rubies
ruby 120 rubies
ruby 40 rubies