3 contributionsBack to Members
Equinox is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 0 stories
- 0 guides
- 0 decks
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 3 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 0 puzzles
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code updates
- 0 donations
- Equinox has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #33, themed Army) with a card called Soaring Flares.
Week #33 – Army
Soaring Flares
Ability: On play, fly to the first open tile. If combined with a friendly unit, fly it to the first open tile and deal 2 damage to it
- Equinox has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #32, themed Flight) with a card called Aethia the Celestial.
Week #32 – Flight
Aethia the Celestial
Ability: After attacking, fly off the board until the beginning of your next turn. When returning, select a tile to return to and destroy anything occupying the tile
- Equinox has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (week #23, themed Apprentice) with a card called Sideline Enchanters.
Week #23 – Apprentice
Sideline Enchanters
Ability: On play, add a 6 mana copy of the last spell played to your hand